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Bayanihan x ANTHILL Crowdfunding Impact

Bayanihan x ANTHILL Crowdfunding Impact

5 projects ₱ 394,400.00 raised across all projects
Bayanihan is an inclusive crowdfunding platform aimed towards creating positive impact to support the livelihood of independent grassroots artisans who weave big dreams and celebrate their ingenuous talents and crafts. It aims to sustain the livelihoods of independent grassroots artisans who have the courage to pursue their dreams and showcase their creative talents and crafts.

Social Enterprise

Ate Belen "The Super Seamstress" Tailoring a Sewing Studio

Ate Belen is a Bayani Artisan dreaming of running her own Sewing Studio so she can provide livelihood to other mothers.
Social Enterprise

Ate Jelyn “The Weaving Warrior” Livelihood Livestock Raising

Ate Jelyn is a Bayani Artisan dreaming to establish an alternative livedhood of raising livestock to supplement her income from weaving
Social Enterprise

Ate Jingle “The Craft Master” A Sari Sari Store Expansion

Ate Jingle is a Bayani Artisan dreaming to expand her sari sari store to secure and save up for her family’s future.
Social Enterprise

Gono Sesotunawa: A Creative and Culture Hub for Tboli Artist

Kuya Joel is a Bayani Artisan who envisions a vibrant, thriving hub where the Tboli arts and culture lives on.
Social Enterprise

Ate Laila "Weavers’ Sanctuary: Investing in Yakan Artistry"

Support the Yakan weavers in enhancing their weaving center to showcase their vibrant creations and boost sustainable livelihoods.