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The First Adow ne Domaget (Dumagat) Festival 2018


The first Dumagat Day Festival in Dingalan, Aurora will be held on May 28-29 this year. We hope you can help us make this happen by donating to this cause.

₱200,000.00 funding goal
21 backers
26% funded


We are excited to share that the very first “Adow Ne Dumaget” or Dumagat Day Festival will be held this year, on May 28-29, 2018.

With the theme “Pagkilala, Pagkikilanlanan, at Pagpapakilala,” (Recognition, Gathering and Introduction) this historic two-day event will set the community center abuzz with festivities, traditional games, parades, exhibits, and performances geared to foster gatherings and exchanges to celebrate the Dumagat indigenous peoples’ cultural heritage. The event aims to foster a deeper understanding of our own local culture as this is key to empowering the Dumagat communities.

We need your help to make this happen.

We at the Dumagat Cultural Council (PAKNED) in cooperation with the Aurora Artist Residency Program and Space (AARPS) are working to raise funds for this cause, and we hope you can support us by being one of our sponsors.



 The Dumagat – derived from the term taga-dagat or people from the seas – is a semi-nomadic group of indigenous peoples in the Philippines from the main island of Luzon. They are mostly fisherfolk, foragers, hunters, gatherers, and farmers that inhabit mostly the stretch of the Sierra Madre mountain ranges and the eastern coastline of the Philippine Sea/Pacific Ocean. In Dingalan, Aurora, they are scattered in small and large communities across the four barangays of Matawe, Caragsacan, Dikapanikian and Umiray.

The Dumagat culture is rich like most of the indigenous peoples cultures throughout the Philippines and all over the world; but like most of these indigenous peoples communities, the Dumagat is also vulnerable to displacements by development agression, discrimination and marginalization. This prompted the Dumagat community in Dingalan to make the first Adow ne Domaget Festival happen - to be able to foster a platform for exchange and education regarding the Dumagat culture, as key to empowering their communities. 



All sponsorships will be directly invested in the preparations for the festival, and these will be recognized at the event in several ways.

Part of our project is a festival catalogue that shall bear the names of our sponsors, we shall also recognize our sponsors in all our social media platforms, and we will send personalized thank you postcards to all our backers. Special rewards shall also be given to our Bronze, Gold, Platinum and Diamond sponsors comprising of a free stay at the lovely Casita Aurora in Brgy. Butas na Bato in Dingalan, Aurora.


Please refer to the FAQS for other details about the place and event, and how you can help further to make our projects more sustainable.

You can also check our social media pages linked below:



Name Date
Performance Curators Initiatives (PCI) 11 April, 2018
Will Davis 11 April, 2018
Ben Ryan Pineda 11 April, 2018
Pauline Balba 11 April, 2018
Cecille Paña 12 April, 2018
Dena Davida 14 April, 2018
Mariko Okeda 16 April, 2018
Amor Herrera 19 April, 2018
Nora Pineda 20 April, 2018
Anonymous 22 April, 2018
PETA Theater Arts PM Workshoppers 27 April, 2018
Nonong 1 May, 2018
Leonardo Jr. Serrano 3 May, 2018
Kris Carla Lawenko 3 May, 2018
Rebecca Ravalo 3 May, 2018
Annemaree Dalziel 3 May, 2018
Jennifer Estellore 3 May, 2018
Greenlight Childrens Academy 3 May, 2018
Ver and Paz Velarde 3 May, 2018
Syar 5 May, 2018
Gerard Mirana 7 May, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

Adow ne Domaget is a Dumagat phrase which translates as Araw ng Tao/People's Day is the first Dumagat Day Festival in Dingalan, Aurora. It will be held on May 28-29, 2018 at the Sitio Cabog, Brgy. Matawe, which is the largest Dumagat indigenous people settlement in Dingalan, Aurora Province. Its primary aims are - to gather, celebrate, empower, and recognise the Dumagat culture and heritage through traditional games, festivities, food, material culture, performances and tribute to the Elders of the community, as cultural bearers.
The Dumagat community across four Barangays in Dingalan, Aurora are the main organizers of the event. They are however represented by the PAKNED and the AARPS. The Dumagat Day Festival is presented by the first Dumagat Cultural Council or Pasulosagkaden ah Kinasigepoan ne Domaget (PAKNED) and the Aurora Artist Residency Program and Space (AARPS) in close cooperation with the Municipality of Dingalan, the National Commission for Indigenous Peoples, Ayun Dingalan, and MODE.
Dingalan, Aurora is in the Eastern coast of Luzon. It is a third class municipality that sits in between the Pacific Ocean/Philippine Sea on one side and on the other, the vast Sierra Madre mountain ranges. Dingalan is the last town of Aurora Province and the border town between Quezon (General Nakar) and Aurora. It boasts of natural diversity - including flora and fauna found in the Sierra Madre, marine life in the Pacific, and the diverse natural formations throughout the town that includes falls, rock pools, coral walls, caves, rock formation, beaches, and so on and so forth.
The Aurora Artist Residency Program and Space (AARPS) is the first and only art residency in Dingalan, Aurora. It was founded in 2016 and has then on launched several art and education programs in and with the communities in the area. It has four interrelated program guides which include - art, education, research and community work. Currently, it has an art residency program that runs twice in a year, a regular partnership with the Dumagat community through the Adow ne Domaget Festival, and several art research/education programs.
PAKNED is the very first Dumagat Cultural Council in Dingalan, Aurora. It was founded only in 2017, and seeks to foster and manage cultural activities related to the Dumagat - including the conceptualization and management of the yearly, Adow ne Domaget/Dumagat Day Festival, and many other programs that revolve around Dumagat culture and heritage.
In a popular Dumagat folklore, it is said that during the hot months of April and May, and when the fire or dapdap flower is at its reddest bloom, the headhunting Ilongots would go on a headhunting spree and the unsuspecting Dumagat are their easy targets. From then on, the beautiful dapdap flower became a symbol of death and blood for the Dumagat, and only when the last dapdap flower fall to the ground could the Dumagat celebrate a new cycle of life. This was the inspiration for the first Dumagat Day Festival in Dingalan, Aurora; which will also be held on May 28-29 which is the last full moon of the month, in order to mark the transition from the hot summer to the monsoon season.
The Dumagat, has been one of the most marginalised and unrecognised indigenous peoples group in the Philippines; aside from this, they are also some of the poorest communities throughout the country. The first Dumagat Day festival is the community's way of bringing their voice out into the public - for recognition, for empowerment, and mostly for pride of place and cultural heritage. We at AARPS are raising funds to help the Dumagat community bring out this rich cultural voice; and we need your help too in this cause. Let us all work together in empowering these communities through cultural practices and cultural events because as AARPS' tagline says we "build empowered communities through fostering creative communities."
A “Creative Partner” in the context of how AARPS use it is a partnership that ensures the benefits for all parties involved. We seek your support as our partners for our programs through, Financial Support to be able to run and maintain our residency program and space. You can use the bank details listed in this project as a medium for you donations. You can also support us by being our collaborators. The AARPS has on going projects of art, culture and environmental research and we are inviting you to be our collaborators in this endeavours. You can also support us by promoting our residency program and space. For more details please refer to the AARPS website linked below: https://thebeachhouseproject.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/CasitaAuroraArtResidency/

3 Comment

  1. Aurora Artist Residency Program And Space (AARPS)
    6 years ago

    We reached the 40,000 mark!!! Let's keep the support coming! Thank you to our backers!

  2. Aurora Artist Residency Program And Space (AARPS)
    6 years ago

    We have reached our 20,000 mark! Thank you to our backers! Please share and keep the donations coming. Let's help our Dumagat brothers and sisters realize the first Dumagat Day Festival in Dingalan, Aurora!

  3. Aurora Artist Residency Program And Space (AARPS)
    6 years ago

    We have reached the P 10,000.00 mark! Thank you to all those who donated and trusted this cause. Let's share and keep the support coming!

Back this Project

Reward 3 - ₱100.00

- Personalized postcard

0 out of 1000 claimed

Reward 2 - ₱500.00

- Name/s featured at the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- Free copy of the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- Personalized postcard

0 out of 100 claimed

Reward 1 - ₱1,000.00

- Name/s feaured at the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- Free copy of the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- 1 Adow ne Domaget event shirt

- Personalized postcard

6 out of 50 claimed

Bronze - ₱5,000.00

This sponsorship entitles you to a Casita Aurora gift package inclusive of:

- An overnight stay at Casita Aurora for 2 people

- Free breakfast

- Name/s featured at the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- Free copy of the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- 2 Adow ne Domaget event shirt

- Personalized postcard

4 out of 20 claimed

Silver - ₱10,000.00

This sponsorship entitles you to a Casita Aurora gift package inclusive of:

- An overnight stay at Casita Aurora for up to 5 people

- Free breakfast

- 1 Tour Package

- Name/s featured at the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- Free copy of the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- 2 Adow ne Domaget event shirt

- Personalized postcard

0 out of 10 claimed

Gold - ₱20,000.00

This sponsorship entitles you to a Casita Aurora package inclusive of:

- 3 days and 2 nights stay at Casita Aurora for up to 5 people

- Free breakfast 

- 1 Tour Package

- Name/s featured at the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- 2 copies of the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- 3 Adow ne Domaget event shirt

- Personalized postcard

0 out of 4 claimed

Platinum - ₱35,000.00

This sponsorship entitles you to a Casita Aurora gift package which includes:

- 5 days and 4 nights stay at Casita Aurora for up to 5 people

- Free breakfast

- 1 Tour package

- Name/s features at the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- 5 copies of the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- 5 Adow ne Domaget event shirt

- Personalized postcard

0 out of 2 claimed

Diamond - ₱50,000.00

This sponsorship entitles you to one cycle of the Auora Artist Residency Program and Space (AARPS) residency. The residency includes:

- A month-long stay at Casita Aurora

- Free Breakfast

- Coordination services 

- Feature in the Adow ne Domaget catalogue

- 10 copies of the Adow na Domaget catalogue

- 5 Adow ne Domaget event shirt

0 out of 1 claimed